blogger の皆さん!お元気ですか? yay..exam's finally over.やっぱり、JADの試験とぜんぜん違うよね!すげぇ難しかった! I did my best so just gonna wait for the result. life's just too painful these days. 試験がうまくできなかったし…夏休みなのに、製図の水平面図を再提出になった。i got no money, but i'm still going for summer hols trip and i also bought myself a new camera today. huhu I'll be going to Osaka next week. too bad, didie's not going together with us but we'll wait for u ^^hehe
p/s: to korea trip buddies ---> rai, meen, didie n wawa : we'll discuss about the matter later 'kay! iqbal : seems like you're the only guy(organizer) just wait till we need you v'o'v